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毛棕榈油中含有1%的活性成分,主要包括胡萝卜素、生育酚与生育三烯酚、植物甾醇、角鲨烯、三萜烯醇、磷脂、辅酶Q10、糖脂等。其中生育酚与生育三烯酚的含量为600-1000 mg/kg

棕榈油是生育三烯酚最丰富的来源。很多时候,生育三烯酚是比生育酚功效更强的抗氧化剂。研究表明,棕榈生育三烯酚具有很多特性,例如抗炎(Tan S.W.等,2010年),降低胆固醇含量(Hasselwander O.等,2002年),抗氧化(Serninova E.等,1991年),防癌(Shibata A.等,2008年),防辐射(Nemec-Bakk A.S.等,2021年)以及保护神经(Khanna S.等,2003年)等。


红棕油(Red palm oil)是棕榈油的一种,以棕榈果肉为原料,经过压榨、特殊精炼(分子蒸馏)加工而成,保留了棕榈果肉中原有的胡萝卜素,颜色呈红色。

棕榈油中含有丰富的维生素A源,以类胡萝卜素的形式存在(500 mg/kg -700 mg/kg)。具有抗衰老抗氧化(Queiroz J.L.C.等,2022年)、清除体内自由基(Queiroz J.L.C.等,2022)、预防维生素A缺乏症(Zhu C.等,2015年)和夜盲症(Thoreson W.B.Margalit E., 2015年)等疾病。在很多国家,使用红棕榈油用于治疗和预防维生素A缺乏症(Zhu C.等,2015; 郭珂等,2018年)。


棕榈酸是母乳中所含的三大基本脂肪之一,约占母乳总脂肪含量的25%,是儿童早期成长发育最重要的脂肪酸。棕榈油含有的棕榈酸可用于婴儿奶粉配方 (冯永方, 2013)




棕榈油和棕榈酸不会对血脂胆固醇水平造成任何不良影响。另一方面,棕榈油还有助于提高微量但重要的高密度脂蛋白(HDL)含量。(Sundram等, 1992; Sundram, 1997; French, 2002年)

就健康支援者的血脂胆固醇水平而言,棕榈液油和橄榄油的作用相似(Sun, 2015; Voon等, 2011; Choudhury, 1995; Ng,1992年),虽然棕榈液油含有饱和脂肪酸,但它对人体血胆固醇的效益与单不饱和脂肪油相似。


Choudhury N., Tan L., Truswell A.S., 1995. Comparison of palmolein and olive oil: weffects on plasma lipids and vitamin E in young adults. Am J Clin Nutr, 61, 1043-1051.

French A., Sundram K., Clandinin M.T., 2002. Cholesterolaemic effect of palmitic acid in relation to other dietary fatty acids. Asia Pacific Clin Nutr, 11,S401-S407.

冯永芳, 2013. 棕榈油制备母乳脂肪替代油脂的研究,齐鲁工业大学,1-77.

郭珂,杨月欣,刘桐,张印红,刘玮,王玉,2018. 甘肃省某农村地区712岁学龄儿童维生素A营养改善研究. 中华疾病控制杂志, 22(05):481-484.

Hasselwander O., Kramer K., Hoppe P.P. , Oberfrank U., Baldenius K., Schroder H., Kaufmann W., Bahnemann R., Nowakowsky B., 2002. Effffects of feeding various tocotrienol sources on plasma lipids and aortic atherosclerotic lesions in cholesterol-fed rabbits. Food Research International, 35, 245-251.

Khanna S., Roy S., Ryu H., Bahadduri P., Swaan .W., Ratan R.R., Sen C.K., 2003. Molecular basis of cell and development biology: molecular basis of vitamin E action: tocotrienol modulates 12-lipoxygenase, a key mediator of glutamate-induced neurodegeneration, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278, 43508-43515.

Nemec-Bakk A.S., Sridharan V., Landes R.D., Singh P., Cao M., Seawright J.W., Liu X., Zheng G., Dominic P., Pathak R., Boerma M., 2021. Mitigation of late cardiovascular effects of oxygen ion radiation by γ-tocotrienol in a mouse model. Life Sciences in Space Research, 31, 43-50.

Ng T.K.W., Hayes K.C., DeWitt G.F., Jegathesan M., Satgunasingam N., 1992. Dietary palmitic and oleic acids exert similar effects on serum cholesterol and lipoprotein profiles in normocholesterolemic men and women, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 11(4), 383-390.

Queiroz J.L.C., Medeiros I., Trajano A.C., Piuvezan G., Nunes A.C.F., Passos T.S., Morais A.H.A., 2022. Encapsulation techniques perfect the antioxidant action of carotenoids: a systemat review of how this effect is promoted. Food Chemistry, 385.

Serninova E., Kagan V., Han D., Packer L., 1991. Free radical recycling and intramembrane mobility in the antioxidant properities of alpha-tocopherol and alpha-tocotrienol. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 10, 263-275.

Shibata A., Nakagawa K., Sookwong P., Tsuzuki T., Oikawa S., Miyazawa T., 2008. Tumor anti-angiogenic effect and mechanism of action of δ-tocotrienol. Biochemical Pharmacology, 76, 330-339.

Sun Y., Neelakantan N., Wu Y., Lote-Oke R., Pan A., Dam R.m., 2015. Palm oil consumption increases LDL chlesterol compared with vegetable oils low in saturated fat in a meta-analysis of clinical trials, The Journal of Nutrition: Nutriional Epidemiology, 1549-1558.

Sundram K., 1997. Modulation of human lipids and lipoproteins by dietary palm oil and palm olein: A review. Asia Pacific Clin Nutr, 6(1), 12-16.

Sundram K., 1992. Replacement of dietary fat with palm oil: effect on human serum lipids, lipoproteins and apolipproteins. British Journal of Nutrition, 68, 677-692.

Tan S.W., Ali D.A.I., Khaza'ai H., Wong J.W., Vidyadaran S., 2010. Cellular uptake and anti-inflammatory effects of palm oil-derived delta (δ)-tocotrienol in microglia. Cellular Immunology, 357, 1-10.

Thoreson W.B., Margalit E., 2015. Night blindness, Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 1-7.

Voon P.T., Ng T.K.W., Lee V.K.M., Nesaretnam K., 2011. Diets high in palmitic acid (16:O), lauric and myristic acids (12:O+14:O), or oleic acid (18:1) do not alter postprandial or fasting plasma homocysteine and inflammatory markers in healthy Malaysian adults. Am J Clin Nutr, 1-7.

Zhu C., Cai Y., Gertz E.R., Frano M.R.L., Burnett D.J., Burri B.J., 2015. Red palm oil-supplemented and biofortified cassava gari increase the carotenoid and retinyl palmitate concentrations of triacylglycerol-rich plasma in women, Nutrition Research, 35, 965-974.