1. Hu M M, Pan K L, Niu Y T, Chen S Q, Yoong J H, Azmil Haizam Ahmad Tarmizi and Zhang G W. Comparison on Frying Performance of Palm Stearin and High Oleic Blended Oil under Simulated Frying Practice of Fast Food Restaurants. Journal of Oil Palm Research, 2020, 32(1): 90-102.
2. Xie X H, Pan K L, Hao M Y and Yoong J H. Development of Frozen Chinese Pancakes Maded from Palm Oil [J]. Farm Products Processing, 2020, (1): 12-14.
谢新华, 潘开林, 郝明远, 杨峻豪. 棕榈油速冻手抓饼的开发[J].农产品开发, 2020, (1):12-14.
3. Chen Y L, Yang M, Niu Y T and Cai H Z. Comparison of Nutrient Ingredients and Texture Properties Between Fiber Textural Soy Protein (FTSP) Meatball and Three Other Meatballs. Modern Food Science & Technology, 2020, 36 (1):84-90.
陈玉玲, 杨梅, 牛跃庭, 蔡慧珍. 大豆拉丝蛋白素丸子和三种肉丸的营养成分与质构特性比较[J]. 现代食品科技, 2020, 36 (1): 84-90.
1. Hu M M, Pan K L, Niu Y T, Yoong J H. Overview on the Influencing Factors and Analysis Method of Stability of Plant Protein Beverage. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2018, 39(6): 334-339.
胡明明, 潘开林, 牛跃庭, 杨峻豪. 植物蛋白饮料稳定性的影响因素及分析方法研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2018, 39(6): 334-339.
2. Ji M, Liu Z Y, Zhang J, Yoong J H, Ooi C K, Yang Y and Liao L M. Study on Preparation of Grandma Cuision with Blend Oil and Quality [J]. China Oils and Fats. 2018, 26(4): 22-26.
季敏, 刘忠义, 张剑, Yoong Jun Hao, Ooi Cheng Keat, 阳洋, 廖腊梅. 食用油使用过程中存贮条件对其氧化稳定性的影响研究[J]. 中国油脂. 2018, 43(5): 92-94.
3. Pan K L and Yoong J H. Study on Stability of Tocopherols and Tocotrienols in Oil. China Food Additives, 2018(1): 159-164.
潘开林, 杨峻豪. 生育酚与生育三烯酚在油脂中稳定性研究[J]. 中国食品添加剂, 2018(1): 159-164.
4. Zhou H T, Cai H Z, Zhao Y, Yang X H, Ooi C K, Fang F and Xu J. Comparison of Serum Lipids, Trans-fatty acids, Oxidative Stress Markers in Healthy Subjects Eating Chinese Flour Cakes Fried in Palm Olein or Flaxseed Oil. China Oils and Fats, 2018, 43(2): 154-157.
周海腾, 蔡慧珍, 赵悦, 杨晓辉, Ooi Cheng Keat, 方芳, 徐靖. 棕榈油和胡麻油煎炸油饼对健康成人血清指标影响的比较研究[J].中国油脂, 2018, 43(2): 154-157.
5. Dong S N, Zhu H J, Zhou H T, Wang S K and Sun G J. Deposition of Carotenoids in Egg Yolk by Supplement of RPO as Forage Material for Egg-Laying Hens. China Feed, 2018(9): 28-33.
董淑楠, 朱航榉, 周海腾, 王少康, 孙桂菊. 红棕油对蛋鸡产蛋性能、蛋品质及蛋黄着色效果的影响[J]. 中国饲料, 2018(9): 28-33.
6. Zhu D Y, Kang Z L, Hu M M, Ooi C K, Ma H J, Zhao G M, Xu X L, Wang H H. Effects of pre-emulsified palm oil with porcine plasma protein on gel characteristics of pork meat batter. Food Science, 2018, 39(5): 71-75.
朱东阳, 康壮丽, 胡明明, 黄清吉, 马汉军, 赵改名, 徐幸莲, 王虎虎. 猪血浆蛋白乳化棕榈油对猪肉糜凝胶特性的影响[J]. 食品科学, 2018, 39(5): 71-75.
7. Ji M, Liu Z Y, Zhang J, Yang Y, Liao L M, Yoong J H. Effect of Storage Conditions of Edible Oils on its Oxidative Stability during Using. China Oils and Fats, 2018, 26(4): 22-26.
季敏, 刘忠义, 张剑, 阳洋, 廖腊梅, Yoong Jun Hao. 混合植物油加工预制外婆菜及其品质研究. 粮油食品科技, 2018, 26(4): 22-26.
8. Zheng L Y, Jin J, Ma Y H, Li H Y, Sun Y W, Yoong J H, Wang X G, Jin Q Z. Application Study of Wheat Flour with Different Gluten Strength and Palm Oil Fraction in Processing of Mung Bean Cake. Cereal and Feed Industry, 2018, (1): 25-32.
郑立友, 金俊, 马银辉, 李泓勇, 孙逸文, 杨峻豪, 王兴国, 金青哲. 不同筋度小麦粉及棕榈油分提物在绿豆糕中的应用研究[J]. 粮食与饲料工业, 2018, (1): 25-32.
9. Zhang X C, Xiang X Y, Hu M M, Pan J H, Zhong Y J. Production Process Optimization of Palm oil-based Chili Oi. Food Science and Technology, 2018, 43(7): 28-33.
张雪春, 项晓月, 胡明明, 潘军辉, 钟业俊. 棕榈油基风味辣椒油的生产工艺优化[J]. 食品科技, 2018, 43(7): 28-33.
10. Wu X J, Wu S M, Ji Min, Yoong J H. Influence of Red Palm Oil on the Physicochemical and Sensory Qualities of Flavouring Oil Gravy for Instant Noodles. RSC Advances, 2018, 8(2): 1148-1158.
11. Guo X L, Fang J X, Xu Q L, Xing Y G, Niu Y T. Formulation Optimization of Emulsifiers in the Palm-based Liquid Shortening and Its Application. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2018, 39(20): 61-66.
郭训练, 方佳兴, 许青莲, 刑亚阁, 牛跃庭. 棕榈油基液态起酥油乳化剂配方优化及其应用[J]. 食品工业科技, 2018, 39(20): 61-66.
1. Pan K L, Ji M L, Hu M M, Niu Y T, Yoong J H and Ooi C K. Partial Substitution of Palm Oil for Lard and Compatibility. China oils and fats, 2017, 42(4): 37-40.
潘开林, 季敏, 胡明明, 牛跃庭, 杨峻豪, 黄清吉. 棕榈油部分替代猪油及其相容性研究[J]. 中国油脂, 2017, 42(4): 37-40.
2. Duan J J, Li B, Li L, Zhang X, Wan L T, Jiao W J and Niu Y T. Application of Palm Mid Fractionation (PMF) in Soft Ice Cream. Food Science and Technology, 2017, 42(3): 204-244.
段静静, 李冰, 李琳, 张霞, 万力婷, 焦文娟, 牛跃庭. 棕榈油中间分提物PMF在软冰激凌中的应用[J]. 食品科技. 2017, 42(3): 204-244.
3. Jin J, Ma Y H, Li H Y, Ooi C K, Wang X G and Jin Q Z. Palm-based Mung Bean Cakes: Production via Blending Three Different Palm Fractions with Soybean Oil. 2017 AOCS annual meeting and industry showcases, BIO 1.1/ IOP 1: Biorenewable Polymers. P19.
4. Jiang Z J, Wang R R, Niu Y T, Xing Y G, Luo J and Han W F. Optimization Study of Emulsifying Process Formula in Palm Oil based Baking Release Agent. The Food Industry, 2017, 38(1): 39-42.
蒋子敬, 王冉冉, 牛跃庭, 邢亚阁, 罗静, 韩文凤. 棕榈油基焙烤专用脱模剂乳化工艺配方优化研究[J]. 食品工业, 2017, 38(1): 39-42.
5. Pan J H, Zeng S R, Hu M M, Zhong Y J and Ji H H, Peng Chao. Study on the Application of Palm Oil in Walnut Beverage. Journal of Nanchang University (Natural Science), 2017, 41(1): 57-61.
潘军辉, 曾善荣, 胡明明, 钟业俊, 嵇海华, 彭超. 棕榈油在核桃饮料中的应用[J]. 南昌大学学报(理科版), 2017, 41(1): 57-61.
6. Wan R R, Cao Y N, Xing Y G, Niu Y T, Luo J, Jiang Z J and Han W F, Che Zhenming. Optimization for Formula and Emulsion Process of Palm Olein based Special Baking Release Agent. Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association, 2017, 32(8): 92-97.
王冉冉, 曹亚楠, 邢亚阁, 牛跃庭, 罗静, 蒋子敬, 韩文凤, 车振明. 棕榈油基焙烤专用脱模剂配方及乳化工艺的研究[J]. 中国粮油学报, 2017, 32(8): 92-97.
7. Pan K L,
Zhu D D, Yoong J H and Ooi C K. Development of Nutritional Blend Oils with Red Palm
Oil. Food Research and Development, 2017, 38(11): 99-103.
潘开林, 朱丹丹, 杨峻豪, 黄清吉. 以红棕油为基料油的营养调和油研制[J]. 食品研究与开发, 2017, 38(11): 99-103.
8. Cao N K, Wang F X, Yuan S X, Ma Y H, Ooi C K and Chen B J. The Effect of Red Palm Oil in Young German Shepherd Dog. Feed Research, 2017, (17): 24-27.
曹宁坤, 王凤霞, 袁树新, 马银辉, 黄清吉, 陈宝江. 红棕油对幼年德国牧羊犬生长及健康影响[J]. 饲料研究, 2017, (17): 24-27.
9. Dong X Y, Chen Y, Liu J Y, Fang J L, Ooi C K and Shi L W. Comparison of the Concentrations of PM2.5 Generated from Different Kinds of Edible Oils during the Process of Frying and Cooking. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2017, 7(3): 228-232.
董小艳, 陈钰, 刘静怡, 方建龙, 黄清吉, 史黎薇. 不同种类食用油在油炸和炒菜过程中释放PM2.5的比较研究[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2017, 7(3): 228-232.
10. Sun G J, Xia H, Yang Y X, Ma S S, Zhou H T, Shu G F, Wang S K, Yang X, Tang H L, Wang F L, He Y Q, Ding R, Yin H, Wang Y Y, Yang Y, Zhu H G and Yang L G. Effects of Palm Olein and Olive Oil on Serum Lipids in a Chinese Population: a Randomized, Double-blind, Cross-over Trial. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2017, 03(15): 1-18.
11. Jin J, Ma Y H, Zhou S L, Li H Y, Sun Y W, Ooi C K, Wang X G and Jin Q Z. Study on Production of Palm Oil Fraction-based Green Bean Cake . China Oils and Fats, 2017, 42(7): 150-154.
金俊, 马银辉, 周胜利, 李泓勇, 孙逸文, 黄清吉, 王兴国, 金青哲. 棕榈油基绿豆糕的制备工艺研究[J]. 中国油脂, 2017, 42 (7): 150-154.
12. Hu M M, Niu Y T, Ji M and Ooi C K. Technical Survey on Oils and Fats for Sausages. Cereals & Oils, 2017, 30(12): 78-80.
胡明明, 牛跃庭, 季敏,黄清吉. 市售火腿肠中油脂调研[J]. 粮食与油脂, 2017, 30(12): 78-80.
1. Jin J, Jie L, Li H Y, MaY H, Ooi C K, Jin Q Z and Wang X G. Application of Palm Oil in Jinhua Pastry Crust. China Oils and Fats, 2016, 41(3): 70-73.
金俊, 揭良, 李泓勇, 马银辉, 黄清吉, 金青哲, 王兴国. 棕榈油在金华酥饼皮中的应用研究[J]. 中国油脂, 2016, 41(3): 70-73.
2. Huang Z, Lu Y, Liu P, Che Z M, Hu M M and Ooi K K. Quality Changes during Storage and Shelf Life Prediction of Palm Oil based on Sichuan Silk Beef Snack. Chinese Condiment, 2016, 41(5): 119-137.
黄湛, 陆阳, 刘平, 车振明, 胡明明, 黄清吉. 棕榈油基灯影牛肉丝品质变化及货架期预测[J]. 中国调味品, 2016, 41(5): 119-137
3. Ji M, Zhang J, Xie F and Liu Z Y. Palm Based Frying Oil for Fish Snack and Its Physical-chemical Properties. Cereals & Oils, 2016, 29: 65-67.
季敏, 张剑, 谢凤, 刘忠义. 以棕榈油为基础的鱼制品煎炸用油及其氧化稳定性研究[J]. 粮食与油脂, 2016, 29: 65-67.
4. Ji M, Ooi C K, Wong S K, Zhang J, Xie F, Liu Z Y, and Wang H Z. Palm Based Flavoring Oil for Fish Snack and Its Applications. Guangzhou Chemical Journal, 2016, 44 (1): 106-108.
季敏, 黄清吉, 黄仕群, 张剑, 谢凤, 刘忠义, 王怀智. 棕榈油基鱼制品加工用调味油及其应用[J]. 广州化工杂志, 2016, 44 (1): 106-108.
5. Li C, Wang S J. Ji M, Ooi C K, Wong S K and Weng X C. Stability of Lipase in the Process
of Interesterification Reaction. Shanghai University Journal, 2016, 22: 1-8.
李 成, 王胜杰, 季 敏, 黄清吉, 黄仕群, 翁新楚. 脂肪酶在催化酯交换过程中的稳定性研究[J]. 上海大学学报, 2016, 22: 1-8.
6. Dang G Q, Shi Y C, Jia L N, Liu S D, Guo W J, Ma Y H, Ooi C K and Chen B J. The Effect of Palm Oil on Growth Performance, Nutrient Utilization, Health and Coat Development of Piglet. Feed Research, 2016,03, 38-40.
党国旗, 史酉川, 贾丽楠, 刘树栋, 郭佳伟, 马银辉, 黄清吉, 陈宝江. 棕榈液油对仔猪生长性能、营养物质利用率及健康的影响[J]. 饲料研究. 2016,03, 38-40.
7. Niu Y T,Han W F,Zhang Y J,Hu M M and Ooi C K. Study on New Formulation of Oils and Fats in Chocolate Coating. China Oils and Fats, 2016, 41(1): 33-36.
牛跃庭,韩文凤,张玉军,胡明明,黄清吉. 巧克力涂层油脂理化性质和相容性的研究[J]. 中国油脂.2016,41(1):33-36.
8. Pan K L, Ji M, Hu M M, Niu Y T and Ooi C K. Analysis of Nutritional Components for Red Palm Oil.
Cereals & Oils, 2016,29(12): 79-81.
潘开林, 季敏, 胡明明, 牛跃庭, OOI Cheng Keat. 红棕油中功能成份的测定[J]. 粮食与油脂, 2016,29(12): 79-81.
9. Pan K L, Ji M, Niu Y T, Hu M M and Ooi C K. Comparison in Determination Methods of Tocopherols
and Tocotrienols in vegetable oils. Science and Technology of Cereals, Oils and Foods, 2016,24(4): 52-55.
潘开林, 季 敏, 牛跃庭, 胡明明, OOI Cheng Keat. 植物油中生育酚与生育三烯酚测定方法比较[J]. 粮油食品科技,2016,24(4): 52-55.
10. Hu M M, Ma Y H and Ooi C K. Laboratory Proficiency Testing based on Physicochemical Characteristics Determination of Palm Stearin. Food and Fermentation Technology, 2016, 52(4): 105-108.
胡明明,马银辉,黄清吉. 基于棕榈硬脂理化特性检测的实验室间比对结果分析评价[J]. 食品与发酵科技,2016, 52(4): 105-108.
11. Kang Z L, Zhu D Y, Hu M M, Ooi C K, Ma H J, Song Z J and Pan R S. The Effects of Pre-emulsified Palm Oil Content on the Quality of Pork Kung-wan. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2016,41(5): 119-137.
康壮丽,朱东阳,胡明明,黄清吉,马汉军,宋照军,潘润淑. 乳化棕榈油对猪肉贡丸品质的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2016,42(10): 112-116.
12. Pan K L, Zhu D D, Ji M, Niu Y T, Hu M M and Ooi C K. Effects of Soybean Lecithin on the Oxidation Stability of Super Olein. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2016,37(23): 77-85.
潘开林,朱丹丹,季 敏,牛跃庭,胡明明,黄清吉. 大豆卵磷脂对超级棕榈液油氧化稳定性的影响[J]. 食品工业科技,2016,37(23): 77-85.
1. Huan Z, Liu P, Che Z M, Hu M M, Ooi C K and Ma L. Application of Palm Oil in Sichuan Silk Beef snack. China Brewing. 2015, 42(2): 38-42.
黄湛,刘平,车振明,胡明明,黄清吉,马力. 棕榈油在灯影牛肉丝中的应用研究[J]. 中国酿造, 2015, 42(2): 38-42.
2. Jie L, Jin J and Ma Y H. Study on Production of Palm Oil-based Jinhua Pastry. Collected Papers of China Oils and Fats Annual Conference, 2015, 468-472.
揭良, 金俊, 马银辉. 棕榈油基金华酥饼的制备工艺研究[J]. 2015年中国粮油学会油脂分会学术年会论文集,2015, 468-472.
3. Hu M M, Ji M, Niu Y T, Pan K L and Ooi C K. Technical Survey on Oils and Fats for Bakery Industry. Farm Machinery, 2015, 12: 27-30.
胡明明, 季敏, 牛跃庭, 黄清吉. 市售烘焙产品用油调研[J]. 农业机械, 2015, 12: 27-30.
4. Niu Y T, Hu M M, Ooi C K. and Zhang Y J. Study on New Formulation of Oils and Fats in Chocolate Coating. Science and Technology of Cereals. Oils and Foods, 2015, 23(5): 40-44.
牛跃庭, 胡明明, 黄清吉, 张玉军. 巧克力涂层基料油理化性质和相容性的研究[J]. 粮油食品科技, 2015, 23(5): 40-44.
5. Zhang L Z, Huang Z T, Jie L J, Che Z M, Xiao W Y and Ooi C K. Optimization of Processing Parameters for Palm Stearin and Tallow Compound Hot Pot Soup Stock by Response Surface Methodology. Journal of Xihua University (Natural Science), 2015, 4(5): 91-96.
张丽珠, 黄湛唐, 洁卢靖, 车振明, 肖文艳, 黄清吉. 响应曲面法优化棕榈硬脂与牛油复合火锅底料工艺参数[J]. 西华大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 34(5): 91-96.
1. Zhang L Z, Tang J, Che Z M, Xiao W Y and Ooi C K. Optimization of Processing Parameters for Palm Oil and Rapeseed Oil Hot Pot Seasoning. Chinese Condiment, 2014, 39(3): 38-42.
张丽珠, 唐洁, 车振明, 肖文艳, 黄清吉. 棕榈油与菜籽油复合火锅底料关键工艺参数优化[J]. 中国调味品, 2014, 39(3): 38-42.
2. Sun Z Y, Jin D H and Ma Y H. The Effect of Palm Olein on Matured Dog Dietary Response, Nutrition Absorption and General Health. Feed Research, 2014, 5: 43-45.
孙展英, 金东航, 马银辉. 棕榈液油替代豆油、动物油对成年犬体质量变化、营养物质利用率及健康影响[J]. 饲料研究, 2014, 5: 43-45.
3. Ji M, L Y Q and Yang T K. Application of Palm Mid-fraction in Zero/Low Trans Fatty Acids Margarine. China Oils and Fats, 2014, 39(6): 25-30.
季敏, 李勇强, 杨天奎. 棕榈油中间分提物在零/低反式酸人造奶油中的应用[J]. 中国油脂, 2014, 39(6): 25-30.
4. Liu Q L, Ma C G, Ji M and Ooi C K. Research on Palm Oil Microcapsule Technology. Cereals & Oils, 2014, 27(1): 32-35.
刘全亮, 马传国, 季敏, 黄清吉. 棕榈油微胶囊化制备工艺的研究[J]. 粮食与油脂, 2014, 27(1): 32-35.
1. Ma Y L, Jin M, Li Y Q, Huang S Q and Ooi C K. Evaluation and Analysis of Proficiency Testing for Palm Olein with Z-score and Youden Test. Sino- Foreign Food Industry, 2014, 272(4): p33-36.
马银辉, 季敏, 李永强, 黄仕清, 黄清吉. 利用Z比分值和尤登(Youden)图对棕榈液油检测能力验证结果的评价与分析[J]. 中外食品工业, 2014, 272(4): 33-36.
2. Zhang L Z, Li Y, Tang J, Che Z M, Xiao W Y and Ooi C K. The Comparison of Oil Quality before and after Cooking in Different Hot Pot Soup Stocks. Chinese Condiment, 2014, 39(09): 91-94.
张丽珠, 李榕, 唐洁, 车振明, 肖文艳, 黄清吉. 火锅底料熬制工艺及其熬制前后原料油脂的质量变化[J]. 中国调味品, 2014, 39(09): 91-94.
3. Zhang J, Ooi C K, Niu Y T, Liu C L and Yao F. Study on the Application of the Plam Oil in the Meat Floss. Food and Fermentation Technology, 2014, 50(5): 49-53.
张静, 黄清吉, 牛跃庭, 刘彩丽, 姚芳. 棕榈油在油酥肉松中的应用研究[J]. 食品与发酵科技, 2014, 50(05): 49-53.
4. Han W F, Qiu P, Niu Y T, Zhuang Y J and Ooi C K. Study on Basic Formula of Dry Cake Chocolate Coated coating. Food and Fermentation Technology, 2014, 50(5): 54-57.
韩文凤, 邱泼, 牛跃庭, 张玉军, 黄清吉. 干蛋糕巧克力涂衣料基础配方的研究[J]. 食品与发酵科技, 2014, 50(05): 54-57.
1. Chen G, Wu S X, Xiao W Y and Ooi_C K. Application of super palm olein in pickled vegetable products. Food and Machinery. 2013, 29(5): 204-207.
陈耕, 吴苏喜, 肖文艳, 黄清吉. 超级棕榈液油在酱腌菜生产中的应用. 食品与机械, 2013, 29(5): 204-207.
2. Ji M, Li Y Q, Ooi C K, W S K, Liu Q L and Ma C G. Compatibility Study for Palm Stearin and PMF Blends. Cereals & Oils. 2013, 26(7): 15-18.
季敏, 李勇强, 黄清吉, 黄仕群, 刘全亮, 马传国. 棕榈油硬脂和棕榈油中间分提物的性能及相容性研究[J]. 粮食与油脂, 2013, 26(7): 15-18.
3. Xia Y, Ma Y H, Ooi C K, Jin Q Z and Wang X G. Compatibility of lard and six kinds of palm oil blends. China oils and fats, 2013, 38(11): 32-36.
夏莹, 马银辉, 黄清吉, 金青哲, 王兴国. 猪油与6种棕榈油分提产物相容性的研究[J].中国油脂, 2013, 38(11): 32-36.
4. Xiao W Y, Ji M and Ooi C K. Technical survey on oils and fats used in commercial hot pot soup stock. Grain processing, 2013, 11: 47-50.
肖文艳, 季敏, 黄清吉. 市售火锅底料油脂的调研[J]. 粮油加工, 2013, 11: 47-50.
1. Wu S X, Liu L P, Li H and Ooi C.K. Cold storage stability of blend oil from Soybean oil and palm oil with different
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吴苏喜,刘立萍,李慧,黄清吉.大豆油调和不同熔点棕榈液油的冷藏试验.食品科学,2012, 33(14): p277-280.
2. Niu Y T, Liu C L, Zhang Y J, Cui H L, Ma Y H and Ma C L. Application of Dry Fractionation By-products Palm Mid
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牛跃庭, 刘彩丽, 张玉军, 崔慧玲, 马银辉, 马川兰. 棕榈油中间分提物(PMF)在冰淇淋中的应用研究[J]. 粮食与油脂,
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3. Wu S X, Li H and Ooi C K. Application of palm super olein in Hunan style flour based snacks. Food and Machinery,
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4. Jiang W, Zhang Y, Wen M J, Liu L Z, He D P, Ooi C K and Liu C L. Application of Palm Oil in Fragrance Sauce.
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蒋伟, 张莹, 文梦娇, 刘良忠, 何东平, 黄清吉, 刘彩丽. 棕榈调和油在香辣酱中的应用[J].粮油加工, 2012, 5: 92-95.
5. Liu C L, Ge R H, Ooi C K, Jiang W, Zhang Y, Wen M J, Liu L Z and He D P. Cold Stability Of Palm Super Olein Based
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刘彩丽, 葛瑞红, 黄清吉, 蒋伟, 张莹, 文梦娇, 刘良忠, 何东平. 超级棕榈液油基香辣酱的冷冻稳定性研究[J]. 粮油加工,
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6. Ooi C K and Yoong J H. China: Oils and Fats Scenario. Palm Oil Development, 2012 June 56: p1-5.
7. Ooi C K and Yoong J H. Development of Oleochemicals in China. Palm Oil Development, 2012 June 56: p6-9.
8. Ji M, Wong S K and Ooi C K. Market Survey of Solid Fats Used in China. Palm Oil Development, 2012 June 56: p10-15.
9. Ooi Cg K. Commercialization of PORTSIM Research Projects in China. Palm Oil Development, 2012 June 56: p16-17, 23-27.
10. Wong S K, Ooi C K and Ji M. Legislation Enforced on the Oils and Fats Industry in China. Palm Oil Development, 2012 June 56: p28-32.
1. Wei Z, Guo K J, Dai H, Li H, Wu W M and Meng Q X. Effect of substitution of both corn grains and soybean
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魏政, 郭凯军, 戴辉, 李慧, 吴文民, 孟庆翔. 棕榈仁粕添加水平对农户饲养奶牛泌乳性能和饲料成本的影响[J]. 中国畜牧杂志, 2011, 47(3): 61-63.
2. Ge R H, Ooi C K, Wong S K and Du M. Preparation of palm based salad dressing. Science and Technology of Cereals, Oils and Foods, 2011, (5): 52-57.
葛瑞宏, 黄清吉, 黄仕群, 杜明. 棕榈油基沙拉酱的制备[J]. 粮油食品科技, 2011, (5): 52-57.
3. Niu Y T, Liu C L, Zhang Y J, Cui H L, Ma Y H and Ma C L. The research of dry fractionation by-products palm mid fraction (PMF) in ice cream. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2011, (2): 20-22.
牛跃庭, 刘彩丽, 张玉军, 崔惠玲, 马银辉, 马川兰. 棕榈油中间分提物(PMF)在冰淇淋中的应用[J]. 应用化学, 2011, (2): 20-22.
4. Jin M, Yang T K and Ooi C K. Report on triglycerides composition and fatty acid content. Cereals & Oils Processing, 2011, (14): 56-59.
季敏, 杨天奎, 黄清吉. 食品专用油脂中甘三酯分子结构和反式酸含量分析报告[J]. 粮油加工, 2011, (14): 56-59.
5. Ma F K, Leng K L, Goh E M, Ma Y H and Chen X G. Basal nutrition of palm kernel meal and preliminary evaluation in feeding juvenile nile tilapia oreochromis niloticus. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2011, 24(6): 2405-2409.
马方奎, 冷凯良, 吴文民, 马银辉, 陈西广. 棕仁粕基础营养分析及其在尼罗罗非鱼养殖中的应用研究[J]. 西南农业学 报, 2011, 24(6): 2405-2409.
6. Ma Y H, Ooi C K and Wong S K. Study on formulation of palm olein in blended cooking oil. Journal of
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马银辉, 黄清吉, 黄仕群. 棕榈液油在调和油中的应用研究[J]. 粮食与油脂, 2011, (12): 21-22.
7. Wu S X, Xiao Z H and Ji M. Substitution of palm oil blend for lard used in chinese crisp peach cookie. Food Science, 2011, (20): 21-22.
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1. Wu S X, Ji M, Goh E M and Li C Z. Study on the crystal structure of lard - based and palm oil-based
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吴苏喜, 季敏, 吴文民, 李昌珠. 猪油基和棕榈油基起酥油的晶型结构研究[J]. 中国粮油学报, 2010, 25(2): 85-87.
2. Ge R H, Goh E M, Liu C L, Wang D Z, Wang G L and Ma C G. Preparation of palm oil based special oil for
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葛瑞宏, 吴文民, 刘彩丽, 王德志, 王高林, 马传国. 利用棕榈油制备速冻食品专用油脂[J]. 中国油脂, 2010, 35(1): 6-10.
3. Ji M and Wu S X. Quality Oil Making Quality walnut pastry. Baking in China, 2010, 98(4): 78-79.
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1. Ji M and Goh E M. Study on quality changes of palm oil and soybean oil during frying dough-sticks. Journal of Cereals & Oils, 2009, (4): 12-14.
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2. Ma C G, Wang D Z, Pan L P, Wang G L, Goh E M and Ge R H. Preparation of special oils for baking frozen dough.China oils and fats, 2009, 34(2): 10-14.
马传国, 王德志, 潘林萍, 王高林, 吴文民, 葛瑞宏. 焙烤冷冻面团专用油脂的制备[J].中国油脂, 2009, 34(2): 10-14.
3. Wu S X, Ji M and Goh E M. Comparison of fatty acid composition, structure and functional properties of palm oil and lard. China oils and fats, 2009, 34(12): 39-44.
吴苏喜, 季敏, 吴文民. 棕榈油与猪油在组成结构和功能特性上的比较[J]. 中国油脂, 2009, 34(12): 39-44.
4. Liang Y, Guo K J, Du J J, Li H, Goh E M and Meng Q X. Effect of supplement of palm kernel cake in beef cattle diets on growth performance and feed cost. Chinese Journal of Animal Science, 2009, 45(23): 37-39.
梁怡, 郭凯军, 杜晋平, 李慧, 吴文民, 孟庆翔. 棕榈仁粕添加水平对肉牛增重性能和饲料成本的影响[J]. 中国畜牧杂志, 2009, 45(23): 37-39.